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Accessibility Awareness Survey

In the fall of 2023, Michigan State University asked each primary Digital Accessibility Liaison to send an Accessibility Awareness Survey to employees in their MSU unit. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the culture of each MSU unit as it relates to digital accessibility.

Survey Process

The Accessibility Awareness Survey link was sent to the primary Digital Accessibility Liaison for each Major Administrative Unit for dissemination to faculty, staff, and other employees. The survey can be sent out via whatever methods a unit typically uses to address all employees. Survey responses are collected in Qualtrics and later dashboarded for viewing by Digital Accessibility Liaisons.

Survey Questions

The Accessibility Awareness Survey consists mostly of yes-or-no questions for all MSU employees, and additional yes-or-no questions for faculty who are actively teaching. The survey shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes to complete. All questions are anonymous, and no identifying information is collected. You can download the current Accessibility Awareness Survey Questions here.

Culture Metric

The survey results help us generate a "culture metric" which is added to our digital accessibility compliance dashboards. This metric is shared with the Digital Accessibility Liaison in each unit and can provide a baseline for goalsetting in future versions of the Annual Self-Review Survey.